My key yoga influences…. Bridget Woods-Kramer, I consider one of my main teachers, Her practice is joyful, connected and nourishing. Jean Hall, a inspirational teacher, weaves creative, intelligent yoga movement sequences, coupled with deep insight into our nature with words and feeling - Manel Rodrigues is a star teacher of the Anusara style based in Lisbon. He layers and interweaves all aspects of yoga into a balanced practice and teaching. - Karin Montali teaches Iyengar yoga. For many years I have enjoyed wonderful retreats with her in Italy with daily attention to alignment , breathwork, community and laughter James Rafael sensitively offers intelligent, precise and playful yoga and Qigong sequences
My Thai massage influences…. - Sunshine House, home and training centre for Krishnatakis and many skilled teachers for Thai massage. Takis was my inspiration for seeking to learn the art of Thai yoga massage, the sacred dance. He teaches with great love, humour and sensitivity. - David Lutt, one of my primary Thai massage teachers based in France, an osteopath by training, a precision teacher - Kira Balaskas, my London Thai yoga massage teacher, the first in London and from the same lineage as Takis and David, Kira is a great teacher who offers detailed instruction and focus on traditional Thai massage technique. - Flora Bisogno, with whom I have taken two trainings near Florence, Italy, a great teacher who offers deep insight into the practice with rhythm and stillness, lightness and joy
More to follow - life in progress!