
Thai yoga massage

Thai massage is considered to have been developed in Northern India c2500 years ago by the physician Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha, a follower of the Buddha. As Buddhism migrated to South-East Asia, the practice travelled to Thailand.

The practice of Thai massage is holistic, clothed, whole body treatment. The recipient is positioned in a variety of yoga positions coupled with deep static and dynamic pressure. The practice is a form of meditation in action. Each treatment relies on listening to the needs of the person receiving the massage and is unique for each person. The massage is performed with fluidity and rhythm, incorporating movement and stillness, a mindful connected flow of energy between giver and receiver.


Thai yoga massage is therapeutic practice delivered through meditation in movement


Trainings and teachers

Miles has trained with a number of leading teachers - Krishnatakis, David Lutt and Kira Balaskas, and through them he has developed a deep understanding of both static and dynamic techniques.

Miles has also trained in Lomi Lomi and Ayruvedic Yoga massage, oil-based massages, that integrate well with Thai massage.

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